
The privacy statement classifies how Fresto uses and protects the information you offer while visiting our site. Next, we try to value your privacy and comply with securing it via the commitment to that privacy policy.

How many ways do we pick your information?

First of all, we try to collect information about you from a host of important sources such as

1. Registration form on the website

Based on our site, we want to request personal confidential information like your name, email, and phone number.

2. Equipment information

While you visit and browse our attributes, we automatically gather information like how you were discussed on our website and how you approach our websites, like cookies and URL information.

3. Order information

While you buy a final product, we tend to require personally confidential information like your name, email address, and shipment address. In addition, the financial information like your credit card, bank card number, and billing address.

Next, we try to use that information to bill you and complete your orders. If we face difficulty processing the order, we can keep in touch with you using the information previously.

The purpose of using your information

We collect information about you for a wide range of reasons, such as

  • Standardize your experience (your information can be replied to your particular demands)
  • To enhance our site (we keep going to enhance our site offerings based on the response and information we get from you)
  • Process transactions, and send the notifications
  • Try to deal with difficulties and fees and tackle problems.
  • Providing you with essential information or advertising about the services.

Private policy

  • Under no circumstances might your information be traded, transferred, or brought to the next plant.
  • If not requested by law, we might not sell, distribute, or collect your private information from different parties.
  • We might keep and process the private information throughout Vietnam’s Fresto security system network by making the most of important measures following domestic rules.
  • We could inform the information during legally compelled to do. While we trust that the law asks it with the security of our legal rights.

If you trust the information we get on the file for you can be compromised, please keep in touch with us so early. If the fault is ours, you will be secured by the national cyber-security firm.

Additional information on the privacy policy

To offer society beneficial products and services or to ensure the organization’s development, it is important that plants raise clients’ trust by carrying out business activities that take the security of private information into account.

According to the insight above, Fresto company declares that it proposes the policies for the security of private information as follows and might apply those policies to safeguard the laws, rules, and guides regarding privacy information.

1. Appropriate handling of private information

While handling privacy information, Fresto Company identifies the target of using private information. It might not deal with the privacy information about a client without collecting the previous record of the consumer, or if not allowed by laws beyond the scope vital for the success of usage target.

Moreover, Fresto properly obtains privacy information. While collecting privacy information, our company notifies the target of usage publicly in advance or lets you know the target of the usage on a site right now after the acquisition.

While taking privacy information summarized in documents (such as electronic and magnetic data) directly from the client, the Fresto displays the target of usage in particular. However, this provision shall not be implemented if allowed by rules and laws.